
How Renters Should Handle Black Mold in Their Apartments

Discovering mold in a rental can be alarming, especially when it's potentially toxic black mold which has serious health consequences. Here’s a straightforward guide for renters on how to handle the situation, ensuring the right steps to address this serious issue while protecting their health and legal rights. Step 1: Document the Mold The first thing a renter should do when suspecting mold in their apartment is to document it thoroughly. Clear photos of the mold from various angles should be taken to [...]

By |2024-04-19T07:58:06-06:00April 19th, 2024|Personal Injury|0 Comments

Redefining Boundaries: The Hertz Case and Its Impact on Rental Car Insurance Obligations

Is a rental car company considered an insurer if a crash happens? This question was answered by the Colorado Court of Appeals in Babayev v. Hertz earlier this month.   Imagine embarking on a long-awaited trip in a rental car, feeling the excitement of adventure mixed with the assurance that comes from knowing you're covered by insurance, just in case. Now, envision the unforeseen happening—a hit-and-run incident leaving you injured and stranded, relying on that very insurance promise. This scenario mirrors the real-life [...]

By |2024-02-29T09:35:35-07:00February 29th, 2024|Personal Injury|0 Comments
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